How to mix with people

How we should mix with people. Mix has many rules some of which are discussed below. 

  No-1 Because - try using this word. Many people give many different proposals. But that man put someone else's proposal same where or works by listening to someone else. Or if you want the word to be yours try using becaus. Ellen Langer in professor of psychology at Harvard University. He research something. Awesome and tries to find the power of this word. That's why it's so powerful. Why do people change their mind when they hear this? 

       So he sees three cases with a little Xerox machine  
               (1) people in the front row say I have 5 pages of what can xerox. 
             (2) people in the second row say  can i use the Xerox machine a little bit because I am in a hurry.
               (3) And the people in the third row said I could use Xerox because I would make some copies. 

                   Nicely the last two rows of people can use the Xerox machine. 
                      So use the word because to convince a person. Then you will see that it is working like magic which you will see in front of your eyes. 
            No-2 when we try to mix with  a human  being. Then we want them to like us. But most people get very nervous when they meet a new person. And I keep wondering if I know if the person in front likes us. I don't think it's good to see me.i don't know what he's thinking about me. 
               So he does something to make himself look smart in front of the person in front of him which makes us think these things are more stupid. As soon as he starts praising himself or starts saying his own quality,he will feel arrogant and remember,no one like arrogant people. 
               Being a person of choice or attracting people is not something that is difficult 

         No-(3) if you want to mix with people in a better way. You tell him you like him. 
     Suppose a man who is the best man in the world has no good in him but he does not like you. 
                 Then you must not like him because we like the people who like us. If you want to be the person of choice to someone if you want to be the person of choice to someone, let them know that you like them.  
                     But you cannot tell him how to say it directly. Come on I like you .you like me . So you can tell him through two that you like him. Smile number one when we talk to person with a smile he gets much better. 
                 The second way is to really appreciate it. You don't have to lie here.
        You have to shoot his true praise. When one of you gives a false compliment,you will understand that he is giving a false compliment. Because we know that the quality of these compliments is not in us.
No-4 if you mix well with people show him that he is very important to you. And the best way to explain this is to take some advice from him. 
                Tell him about your minor problem and give him advice.  So don't be ashamed to take advice from the people in front and after taking the advice,you must say thanks to him. This will make you feel like a gentleman. 
            And no one likes a gentleman 
 No-(5) The fifth way is to mix well with people. Repeat his name. Sound of the world is his name for a man. It we repeat the name of the person we meet at least three times within 10 minutes of being introduced,the chances of that person becoming dear to us are greatly increased. 
            This does not mean that O Priya will start singing o priya. No you will repeat his name in such a way that he does not understand that you are lipidizing his name. 
       I mean say thank you darling instead of saying thanks and say hello priya instead  of saying hello.  
 No-(6) this is the six way to mix with people. You also show interest in his favourite things . Suppose you like the song of the person you are acquainted with and like your cricket. 
     So you don't talk about your favourite cricket ,talk about his favorite song. 
          The person in front of you will get bored if you talk about your favorite things instead of his favorite things. He will not be able to connect with you. and liking you is a far cry.
         So always be interested  in   the preferences of other's it will make him think that he is very important to you. 
No-(7) The number 7 rule is to mix with people show him your mistakes ,especially the ones you have. 
                     because no human being in the world is perfect .most of the time we show our selves perfect to make an impression. As a result, many times the opposite happens. the more you perfect yourself in front of others,the more people will stay away from you. At the same time some people will make you feel jealous. 
    they will think what makes your life so perfect but when you show your deficit you are wrong,everything  you do is one hundred percent right. 
                Then the person in front will think that this person is like may see that when there is an accident with a celebrity, more supporters of that celebrity increase. Because then that celebrity feels like a normal person. 

              If we follow these rules,we will be able to interact with people in a better way  .

          Finally be kind for no reason 


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